Most international freight traffic happens on roads, such as the busy route between Finland and St. Petersburg. Road transport presents its own set of challenges, including pollution, accidents and road network congestion. Inland waterway traffic, however, could constitute a cost-effective and environmentally friendly option that also attracts the interest of transport companies.
INFUTURE - Future Potential for Inland Waterways
South-East Finland - Russia CBC Programme 2014-2020
Budget 1,2 MEUR. Funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland.
Implementation time 1 November 2018 - 31 October 2021. The project period was extended til 31.1.2022.
Objectives of the Project
Open new attractive business opportunities and possibilities in the frames of Inland Waterways
Higher cargo volumes and longer traffic season
Strong stakeholder commitment
Project Partners
Kotka Maritime Research Association > KMRA (Lead Partner)
Aalto University > AALTO
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
> XAMK -
Arctia SeaHow (Meritaito) > ARCTIA
Finnish Waterways FWA
Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping > AMSUMIS
North-West Russia Logistics and Information Development Centre ILOT
NEWS, ARTICLES and STUDIES published in the frames of the INFUTURE project
31.1.2022 INFUTURE: Inland Waterway Vessel Concepts > ARTICLE in English
22.1.2022 Clarification of Skills and Know-How Needed to Develop IWW > ARTICLE in English
22.1.2022 Towards Green Transition - Infuture Final Conference Part 2 > SUMMARY
28.12.2021 Towards Green Transition - Infuture Final Conference Part 1 > SUMMARY
25.10.2021 Advanced Technology and Digitalisation for Inland Waterways > SUMMARY
27.8.2021 Inland Waterways: Strategic Potential for Growth - Conference 20.9.2021 > INVITATION
29.7.2021 Year-Round, Safer and More Profitable International Cargo Transport > ARTICLE in ENGLISH
14.6.2021 Saimaa Ice Measurement Campaign - INFUTURE Project > ARTICLE in English
7.6.2021 How Reliable Are Numerical Simulation Models to Predict Ship Performance in Lake Ice? > ARTICLE in English
27.5.2021 Study Report - Transshipment Hub Concept > ARTICLE in English
26.5.2021 Strong Commitment Brings Good Results > NEWS in English
11.5.2021 Feasibility Study - Development of Transportation on the Saimaa Canal > ARTICLE in English
1.2.2021 INFUTURE Round Table 3: Future Inland Waterway Vessels > ARTICLE in English
17.12.2020 INFUTURE Round Table 2: Smooth Inland Navigation with Advanced Fairway Technology > ARTICLE in English
3.12.2020 INFUTURE Round Table 1: Potential Cargo Flows and Routing > ARTICLE in English
11.11.2020 Piloting Smart Buoys on River Neva > NEWS in English
20.10.2020 Determination of Technical and Operational Characteristics of Ships - IW between Finland - Russia > ARTICLE in English
6.10.2020 Management of Inland Waterway System of Russia - Admission for Foreign Flag Vessels > ARTICLE in English
28.8.2020 INFUTURE Round Tables on Development of Inland Waterways > NEWS in English
18.8.2020 Future Potential of Russian and Finnish Inland Waterways - New Business Alternatives > ARTICLE in English
16.4.2020 Vesitieliikenne on kuljetusmuotojen ykkönen- älyratkaisut vahvistavat keulapaikkaa -> ARTICLE in Finnish
6.4.2020 Vesitiepäivä: Saimaan kanava on tärkeä liikenneväylä myös venäläisestä näkökulmasta katsottuna - > ARTICLE in Finnish
7.2.2020 Development of Inland Waterway Connections and Potential between Finland and Russia - > ARTICLE in English
7.2.2020 Vesitiepäivä 2020 - vesitiet ja kestävä kehitys - > ARTICLE in Finnish
2020 Transshipment hub concept, multimodal transportation, international benchmark : Finnish-Russian Transshipment Hub – The optimal model for the future IWT > BACHELOR´S THESIS in English
2020 Legislation and customs policies in inland waterway transport between Finland and Russia > BACHELOR`S THESIS in English
21.10.2019 Comprehensive Academic Studies on Finnish - Russian IWT - > ARTICLE in English
20.9.2019 INFUTURE Seminar: Inland Waterways and Cargo Potential - > ARTICLE in English
20.9.2019 Development of Inland Waterway Cruise Business -> ARTICLE in English
28.8.2019 INFUTURE Round Tables 18.9. in Conjunction with the NEVATRANS - > ARTICLE in English
10.-11.4.2019 INFUTURE - Development of Inland Waterway Connection Between Finland and Russia - > ARTICLE in English
2019 Inland waterway transportation and its prospects in Russia and Finland, XAMK & AMSUMIS > STUDY in English
2019 Study on commercial visibility and future cargo flows on the route Saimaa Lakes-Volgo Balt, AMSUMIS > STUDY in English
3/ 2019 Prosperous Future of Inland Waterways, XAMK > STUDY in English
>> MORE NEWS in Russian - INFUTURE

Copyright: S. Werner