EMMA = Enhancing freight Mobility and logistics in the BSR by strengthening inland waterway and river sea transport and proMoting new internAtional shipping services
EU:n Interreg BSR ohjelman 3-vuotinen kehityshanke 3/2016-2/2019
Hanke päättyi 28.2.2019.
21 partneria 5 eri maasta; Saksa, Puola, Liettua, Ruotsi ja Suomi sekä 48 liitännäispartneria kahdeksasta eri maasta.
Suomea hankkeessa edustivat
Pohjois-Karjalan Maakuntaliitto (www.pohjois-karjala.fi),
Lahden Seudun Kehitys LADEC Oy (www.ladec.fi) ja
Suomen Vesitiet ry.
Liitännäispartnereina Suomesta mukana olivat
Liikennevirasto (www.liikennevirasto.fi),
Hämeen kauppakamari (www.hamechamber.fi),
Shortsea Promotion Centre (SPC) Finland (www.shortsea.fi) ja
Saimaan Satamat (www.saimaansatamat.fi)
Hankkeen pääpartnerina oli Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V.
Maanteiden ja rautateiden sekä satamien kapasiteetit ovat rajallisia ja ruuhkaisia. Uusia ratkaisuja tarvitaan.
Hankkeen tavoitteena oli parantaa sisävesiliikenteen käyttöastetta, ja integroida sisävesi- ja rannikkoliikenne tiiviimmin osaksi koko toimitusketjua Itämeren alueella, jakaa kokemuksia ja oppia.
Hankkeen puitteissa toteutettiin sisävesiliikenteen pilotteja, tuotettiin erilaisia selvityksiä sisävesiliikenteen pullonkauloista ja uusista innovaatioista, järjestettiin kansainvälisiä asiantuntijaseminaareja ja keskustelutilaisuuksia sisävesiliikenteen toimijoille ja päättäjille.
The EMMA project was funded by the Baltic Sea Region Programme (Priority “Sustainable transport”). The total volume accounts for 4.5 Mil. EUR co-financed by 75 %. The question that needed to be answered was how the modal share of IWT can be increased in the Baltic Sea Region countries. The implementation of pilot activities, their promotion for wider acceptance and information that addresses the specific target groups was required. The EMMA project linked a longer-term perspective with the implementation of short-term improvements. These market oriented pragmatic solutions were to increase the share of inland and river-sea ship transport in the overall transport system of the Baltic Sea Region.
Strengthening of inland waterway and coastal transportation
in public perception (image)
Promotion of better integration of inland waterway and coastal transportation in transport chains of the Baltic Se Region as well as in EU strategies
Investigation of regional challenges that hinder better integration of the inland vessel in transport concepts/chains
Development of solution approaches
Promotion of cooperation between separate interest groups (organisations and association)
Enhancement of the modal split in the Baltic Sea Region
Identification of potential consignors and investigation of their needs
Analysis and suggestion of new services in order to integrate IWT into supply chains
Proof of feasibility and possibilities of IWT due to pilot actions
Improvement of IWT competitiveness in the BSR
Tackling of administrative and regulatory barriers
Supplying IWT with a stronger voice and better standing in policy and society
Possibility for a real change and long-term impact of results due to a holistic approach
Support of MS in reaching the binding legislation on GHGs emissions targets (EU2020 climate & energy package)

Copyright: S. Werner
> Cost Benefit Analysis at the Saimaa Lake -report (1,5MB)
> CBA -broschure (1MB)
Enhancing Inland Waterway Transport
> Saimaa syvävesiväylä -esite (2MB)
> Saimaa Inland Waterway (1MB)
> EMMA Project Partner Meeting in Helsinki
> EMMA Meeting of Finnish Project Partners
> EMMA Conference Cruise at Saimaa - Enhancing Inland Waterway Transport
> Kestävää sisävesiliikennettä edistetään pitkän tähtäimen suunnitelmilla ja innovatiivisuudella - EMMA CONFERENCE
> EMMA Promotes Sustainable Inland and River/Lake-Sea Shipping in the Baltic Sea Region
> Bigger Share of Modal Split Envisaged for Inland Shipping in the Baltic Sea Region
> 3-vuotinen EMMA-hanke päättyi
20.1.2016 Kick-off of EMMA project, Hamburg Germany
21.-22.11.2016 Annual EMMA Conference, Warsowa Poland
21.-22.2.2018 EMMA Conference, Berlin Germany
5.9.2018 EMMA Seminar Cruise, Lappeenranta, Finland - Vyborg, Russia
6.11.2018 Final Conference, Brussels Belgium
24.1.2019 Final Project Meeting, Hamburg, Germany
Poland – Gdańsk (the river Vistula)
Feasibility study regarding the inland supply chain
Transport chains from the Port of Gdańsk to the hinterland
Lithuania – Klaipėda (the river Neman)
Heavy goods transportation connection from the Port of Klaipėda to the hinterland
Germany (North German river basin)
Digital map with status information on inland waterways
Sweden - Stockholm (Lake Mälaren)
"Dynamic Zone Management System“ & transport shift from road to inland waterways
Finland – North Karelia (Saimaa Canal & Lake Area)
Information systems for transport optimisation of timber products via inland waterways